Time Well Spent

a life without tv and other ponderings


My hubby made the decision in November to say YES to seminary.  This decision which was months years in the making was finally was made over God’s word.  We were set to go, just waiting to see where God would have us go.  So, fast forward to January 1st and a positive pregnancy test later and here we are again, questioning where God has us as a family.  But now what?  Pursue distance education? Look for a new career?  What about our dreams of overseas missions?

With the hormones of a new pregnancy came a torrent of emotions .  It has now been almost two months and I am going for our first ultrasound today.  God has given me a peace (most days) about staying, about baby #3, about His plan for our lives and not ours.  He has been growing us for sure, not only in number but in our reliance upon Him as well, preparing us to be a people who follow hard after Him.

I said God is growing our family in interesting ways.  Not only am I expecting, but both of my sister-in-law’s are expecting as well.  So, come August, Lord willing, we will have three new babies in our midst to cuddle and love.  But all of these babies (our 3 plus 7 other friends that are pregnant!)have led to lots of dreaming, planning and a little making of this and that.

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Strike of the lazy day

Every once in a while I have one of these things called a  Lazy Day.  They usually come after a few really productive days.  The days that get my pride saying, “HEY, look what I have done!”  Then strikes the Lazy Day.  

And as I am sitting  in one of these lazy days today, I realize that I am enjoying myself.  What could be better than watching and listening my 2 year old God-made-Tito ramble on about his dinosoaurs making foot prints in the playdough?   Watching my Tito be creative reminds me that he is  a reflection of his creator.  (He is a broken image of God, marred by  sin, but a reflection nonetheless.)  What beauty this God-made-life has to offer!    

Tito and his budding creativity is inspiration, really listening and watching him is TIME WELL SPENT. 

I am  s  l  o  w  l  y  learning that life is NOT about productivity, but the moments that we enter into life and really live.  What are you learning about the life?

Hello world!

Hello out there!  I am still trying to figure out how to make this blog a working example of my time well spent!  So, it may a few weeks before I actually start posting regularly.   In the mean time, you can look forward to hearing

1. Why we don’t own a TV

2. What we DO without TV

3. And why we LOVE it!

Thanks for grace!


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